UPDATE 3 7 2025:
The SAFE Act was reintroduced into Congress in March 2025.
Other legislative items regarding public lands, wild horses & burros, and more all expired on December 31, 2024. These bills will need to be reintroduced by members of Congress and if so, will have new bill numbers. Stay tuned for more information.
I am leaving the information below available for now so that when new bills are introduced, you will know what actions to take.
The bills listed below are items you can and should call your Representative or Senator about and ask them to support. Bills starting with H.R. have been introduced in the House of Representatives and you should only call your US Representative about. Bills starting with S. have been introduced in the Senate and you should call both of your US Senators about these bills.
These bills have been introduced in the 2025-2026 session of Congress and must be passed by December 31, 2026 to be enacted into law. If the bill is not passed by the end of 2026, then it must be reintroduced again with a new bill number in 2027 and you must call your Rep/Senator and ask them to sponsor it again with the new bill number.
All it takes is a quick phone call using the following script (you will likely be leaving a voice mail or leaving a message with an intern):
Hello, My name is _______and I am a constituent located in __________. I am calling today to ask Representative (or Senator) ___________ to support bill ______________ (insert bill here, i.e. HR 1661 The SAFE Act - always use the bill number and the title of the bill). This issue is very important to me and my family. Thank you, (your name)
Then follow up with a message via the Rep/Senators Contact page on their website with the same script (replace 'I am calling' with 'I am writing'. Just google your US Rep or Senators name, click on their website, and click on the Contact Me page (or something similar).
If you refer to the BLM in any of your messages, always say Bureau of Land Management, do not use the initials BLM
The bills listed below are items you can and should call your Representative or Senator about and ask them to support. Bills starting with H.R. have been introduced in the House of Representatives and you should only call your US Representative about. Bills starting with S. have been introduced in the Senate and you should call both of your US Senators about these bills.
These bills have been introduced in the 2025-2026 session of Congress and must be passed by December 31, 2026 to be enacted into law. If the bill is not passed by the end of 2026, then it must be reintroduced again with a new bill number in 2027 and you must call your Rep/Senator and ask them to sponsor it again with the new bill number.
All it takes is a quick phone call using the following script (you will likely be leaving a voice mail or leaving a message with an intern):
Hello, My name is _______and I am a constituent located in __________. I am calling today to ask Representative (or Senator) ___________ to support bill ______________ (insert bill here, i.e. HR 1661 The SAFE Act - always use the bill number and the title of the bill). This issue is very important to me and my family. Thank you, (your name)
Then follow up with a message via the Rep/Senators Contact page on their website with the same script (replace 'I am calling' with 'I am writing'. Just google your US Rep or Senators name, click on their website, and click on the Contact Me page (or something similar).
If you refer to the BLM in any of your messages, always say Bureau of Land Management, do not use the initials BLM
Current Legislative Bills that you should ask your US Rep or Senator to support and cosponsor:
SAFE Act H.R. 1661 - Save America's Forgotten Equines Act of 2025
in the House of Representatives
As of March 7, 2025, this bill has 104 cosponsors
"To amend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 to prohibit the slaughter of equines for human consumption."
Read about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. For more tips on talking about the SAFE Act with your Representative, go here.
S. 775 Safe Act of 2025
in the Senate
As of March 7, 2025, this bill has 1 cosponsor
'To amend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 to prohibit the slaughter of equines for human consumption.'
Read about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. For more tips on talking about the SAFE Act with your Senators, go here.
Do not mention wild horses when calling on this bill as it is for all American equines, both domestic and wild. To mention wild horses would just be confusing. You can talk about how unsafe horse meat is to humans because of all the vaccines and other drugs in their systems.
Bills that expired on December 31, 2024 and need to be reintroduced in the 2025-26 legislative session include:
H.R. 3656 - Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 25 cosponsors
'To amend the Act commonly known as the Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act to prohibit certain uses of aircraft with respect to the management of wild free-roaming horses and burros, and for other purposes.'
Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. If you mention the BLM in this call, always use the full name: Bureau of Land Management, not just the initials BLM.
H.R. 6021 - Ejiao Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 7 cosponsors - we need you all to make more calls on this one!
'To prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of donkeys or donkey hides for the purpose of producing ejiao, to prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of products containing ejiao, and for other purposes.' For more information on the cruelty of the Ejiao trade, read this article. Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here.
H.R. 6314 Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement Act
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 3 cosponsors - we need you all to make more calls on this one!
"To expand the authorization of voluntary Federal grazing permit retirement, provide increased flexibility for Federal grazing permittees, promote the equitable resolution or avoidance of conflicts on Federal lands managed by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior, and for other purposes."
Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here.
H.R. 4241 Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 77 cosponsors
To amend the Horse Protection Act, to prohibit the transportation of horses in interstate transportation in a motor vehicle "containing 2 or more levels stacked on top of one another, and for other purposes."
Read more about the bill and the current cosponsors are here.
in the House of Representatives
As of March 7, 2025, this bill has 104 cosponsors
"To amend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 to prohibit the slaughter of equines for human consumption."
Read about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. For more tips on talking about the SAFE Act with your Representative, go here.
S. 775 Safe Act of 2025
in the Senate
As of March 7, 2025, this bill has 1 cosponsor
'To amend the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 to prohibit the slaughter of equines for human consumption.'
Read about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. For more tips on talking about the SAFE Act with your Senators, go here.
Do not mention wild horses when calling on this bill as it is for all American equines, both domestic and wild. To mention wild horses would just be confusing. You can talk about how unsafe horse meat is to humans because of all the vaccines and other drugs in their systems.
Bills that expired on December 31, 2024 and need to be reintroduced in the 2025-26 legislative session include:
H.R. 3656 - Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 25 cosponsors
'To amend the Act commonly known as the Wild Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act to prohibit certain uses of aircraft with respect to the management of wild free-roaming horses and burros, and for other purposes.'
Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. If you mention the BLM in this call, always use the full name: Bureau of Land Management, not just the initials BLM.
H.R. 6021 - Ejiao Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 7 cosponsors - we need you all to make more calls on this one!
'To prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of donkeys or donkey hides for the purpose of producing ejiao, to prohibit the transportation, sale, and purchase of products containing ejiao, and for other purposes.' For more information on the cruelty of the Ejiao trade, read this article. Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here.
H.R. 6314 Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement Act
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 3 cosponsors - we need you all to make more calls on this one!
"To expand the authorization of voluntary Federal grazing permit retirement, provide increased flexibility for Federal grazing permittees, promote the equitable resolution or avoidance of conflicts on Federal lands managed by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior, and for other purposes."
Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here.
H.R. 4241 Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2023
As of June 29, 2024, this bill has 77 cosponsors
To amend the Horse Protection Act, to prohibit the transportation of horses in interstate transportation in a motor vehicle "containing 2 or more levels stacked on top of one another, and for other purposes."
Read more about the bill and the current cosponsors are here.
H.R. 6021, the Ejiao Act of 2023, has been reintroduced into Congress by Representative Beyer (VA).
The passage of this act will stop American burros, both domestic and wild, from being transported and/or sold for the purposes of using their hide to make Ejiao. Call your US Representative today and say: "I am calling Representative ____________ today to ask him/her to cosponsor and support bill H.R.6021, the Ejiao Act of 2023, which will protect America's burros from being shipped and sold for the purpose of using their hides for the production of ejiao." To see if your US Representative is cosponsoring the bill, go here and click on the Cosponsor tab. As if February, 2024, this bill has just one cosponsor. Your Rep won't even think of cosponsoring this bill if you don't call them or write them and ask them to. |
As of June 29, 2024, H.R.3656 has
25 cosponsors. In 2023, Representative Dina Titus (NV) reintroduced bill H.R. 3656 to ban the use of certain motorized vehicles to capture wild horses and burros. Use the simple script in the graphic when calling your Representative. Go here to find out who your Representative is: www.house.gov/representatives • You can go here to see if your Rep is already sponsoring H.R. 3475: www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3656/cosponsors?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22wild+horse%22%5D%7D • The H.R. in front of the bill number means this bill is in the House of Representatives, not the Senate. Only call your US Representative about this bill number. • Do not mention the SAFE Act H.R. 3475 when calling on this bill. Keep the topics of wild horses and slaughter as two separate issues and two separate phone calls. • Always use the bill number when calling your Rep to support a bill, in this case always say: H.R. 3656: To amend the Act commonly known as the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act to prohibit certain uses of aircraft with respect to the management of wild free-roaming horses and burros, and for other purposes. H.R. 6314 Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement Act
As of June 29, 2024, this bill still only has 3 cosponsors "To expand the authorization of voluntary Federal grazing permit retirement, provide increased flexibility for Federal grazing permittees, promote the equitable resolution or avoidance of conflicts on Federal lands managed by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior, and for other purposes." Read more about the bill and who the current cosponsors are here. |