Messages for the President, Dept. of the Interior, Senators, Members of the House, and the United States Forest Service:
We want our messages to be polite and factual. We want change to happen NOW, not in 10 years when it will be too late (The Bureau of Land Management's 10 year Path Forward plan is a plan to extinction for our wild horses), and we don't want any more horses, wild or domestic, shipped over our borders to slaughterhouses in Mexico or Canada. Use your own wording or see below for some examples of what you can write on your postcards to your Senators and members of the House of Representatives (when referring to the SAFE Act HR 3475 or S 2037, you must use language that includes 'horses' as there are other Safe Acts in legislation).
Be respectful and professional. You can use your own wording or work off the sample messages below:
Messages to the President & Department of the Interior:
Messages to the Senate and House of Representatives:
Message to the USFS / Unites States Forest Service:
Be respectful and professional. You can use your own wording or work off the sample messages below:
Messages to the President & Department of the Interior:
- When are we as a country going to start doing what's right and protect our public lands and wildlife? Protecting our wild horses also protects the land and water resources from the destructive cattle industry. Help us save our wild horses now!
- Impose a immediate moratorium on all roundups of wild horses and burros. They deserve to be protected and allowed to live wild and free. Require the Bureau of Land Management to implement and abide by herd management area plans, remove cattle from wild horse HMA's
- Please work to ensure that our domestic and wild horses & burros are protected from being shipped to slaughter in the US and over our borders to other countries. The American public does NOT support horse slaughter.
- Our wild horses & burros are American icons of the West. They deserve to live wild and free on the lands they were born on. Help us protect our wild horses & burros now by demanding the Bureau of Land Management create and abide by Herd Management Area Plans that contribute to the well-being of our wild horses & burros.
- The Bureau of Land Management is out of control, eliminating our beloved wild horses & burros, catering to cattle ranchers, and destroying our public lands. Help us to protect our wild horses & burros, icons of the American West.
Messages to the Senate and House of Representatives:
- STOP funding the Path Forward Plan proposed by the BLM, ASPCA, & HSUS - it is NOT a plan to protect our wild horses. There is a better way. Require the Bureau of Land Management to create and abide by herd management area plans before wasting our tax dollars on cruel roundups and inhumane long term holding pens for our wild horses and burros.
- Please pass the SAFE Act HR 3475 and S.2037 to protect our wild horses & burros and domestic horses from being shipped to slaughter! (The SAFE Act HR3475 and S2037 expired on December 31, 2024. Once a new bill is introduced in the 2025-26 session, I will update the bill numbers here.)
- Please reintroduce H.R. 249 and have the language of the Burns Amendment stricken from the Wild Free-Roaming Horses & Burros Act. That action would directly protect wild horses and burros from slaughter by undoing the changes to the Act that permitted it.
- Cattle are an environmental crisis, contributing to ecosystem destruction and depleting our water resources on public lands. Save our wildlife, wild horses & burros, and public lands now before it's too late. The Bureau of Land Managements own rangeland health data maps show widespread damage by millions of privately-owned cattle and sheep both inside and outside of areas designated for wild horses' principal use and protection. Incremental grazing income from livestock producers is just $955,800 per year. Yet the Bureau wants to spend $59 million to remove wild horses and $43 million per year to stockpile them in long-term holding pens. The cost to leave our American mustangs wild and free? $0
- Please ensure our wild horses are given their rightful protections under the Wild & Free Roaming Horses & Burros Act of 1971 in the form of Herd Management Area Plans. Require the BLM to work with our horses, not remove them to the point of extinction levels.
- Please work to ensure that our domestic and wild horses & burros are protected from being shipped to slaughter in the US and over our borders to other countries. The American public does NOT support horse slaughter.
- Stop allowing cattle and sheep to decimate our public lands and wild horse herds. We want to see wild horses & wildlife on our public lands, not livestock. Protect our wild horses and public lands now.
- Our wild horses are beautiful creatures who grace our public lands. Help us protect them and in turn protect our public lands from the oil, mining, and cattle industries that destroy valuable ecosystems.
- The Bureau of Land Management is out of control, rounding up our wild horses at unprecedented levels. Our wild horses are not destroying our public lands, millions of cattle & sheep are!
- Our wild horses are being treated as scapegoats by the BLM. Cattle destroy ecosystems, wild horses do not. Protect our wild horses and in turn protect our public lands and wildlife!
- Cattle grazing on our public lands is a privilege, it’s not a right. Stop allowing the cattle industry to dictate what happens on OUR public lands. The Bureau of Land Management collects only $955,800 a year from grazing fees, but will spend $59 million to round up our wild horses and another $43 million annually to house them in long-term holding pens.
- The Bureau of Land Management is out of control, decimating our wild horse herds, paying millions of dollars to helicopter pilots to chase our wild horses and to put our wild horses in long-term holding. There IS a better way. Protect our wild horses and public lands now!
Message to the USFS / Unites States Forest Service:
- When are we as a country going to start doing what's right and protect our forest lands and wildlife? Protecting our wild horses also protects the land and water resources from the destructive cattle industry. Help us save our wild horses now!
- Re-wild our wild horses & burros to help fight wildfires in the West. We want to see our wild horses living free, not rounded up and replaced with cattle. Stop rounding up our treasured wild horses.
- Our wild mustangs are American icons of the West. They deserve to live wild and free on the lands they were born on. Help us protect our wild horses.
- Cattle are an environmental crisis, contributing to ecosystem destruction and depleting our water resources on public & forest lands. Save our wildlife, wild horses & burros, and forest lands now before it's too late.
- Stop rounding up our wild horses & burros when they wander off HMA's. Require ranchers to fix their fences when damaged and return the wild horses to their HMA's. Let our wild horses live wild and free.