The Muddy Creek Wild Horses In Utah
These action items are considered closed, but reading this page will help keep you informed about what is and has happened on our public lands in regard to wild horses and burros.
August 25, 2024 Action Item for the Muddy Creek wild horses Send this copy of the article by Josslyn Wolf (see Download File aug_25_2024_muddy_creek_article.pdf) to your legislators with the a note that includes the following message: While this may be happening in the state of Utah, public lands and wild horses belong to all American taxpayers. The death of Muddy Creek wild horses due to lack of water on the range is the direct result of the Bureau of Land Management allowing grazing allotment holders to drain natural water sources in the area for livestock, and showcases the BLM's lack of management and compassion for wild horses and wildlife. I am sending you this today to ask for an immediate moratorium on all wild horse and burro roundups until Congress can investigate the Bureau of Land Management's lack of transparency, violations of the Comprehensive Animal Welfare Program (CAWP), wasteful spending of our taxpayer dollars on wild horse roundups, and massive mismanagement of the Wild Horse & Burro Program. Here is the jpeg (or photo file) you can download, save, and email to your legislators:
Click on the file below to download and print the article (it may take a minute to download depending on your internet speed, so please be patient):
Original Action Item:
Waterholes are dry in the Muddy Creek HMA due to overuse by livestock and a no rain recently. Wild horses are dying. The Bureau of Land Management refused to provide water to wild horses and wildlife in need.
Here is a quick click-n-send version of the letter you can do:
Then do the following as well to make the most impact:
• Please print out email this letter to your staff contact at your US Representative and both of your US Senators offices. Fill in their name and mailing info, address it to them and their staff (i.e. Dear Representative Cohen and Staff), and fill in your info on page 2 under 'Thank You,'
• Then mail this letter to your US Representative and both of your US Senators immediately.
• You can also fax it to them using a fax machine or
• Since Congress is on break, you can print the letter and take it to their local office if you live nearby.
If you don't live in a wild horse state, I have addressed that in the very first paragraph of the letter. We still need you to take action.
I especially would like for Reps Dina Titus (NV), David Schweikert (AZ), Steve Cohen (TN), and Rep Juan Ciscomani (AZ) to see this letter - if they are your Rep please send it to them.
Here is a quick click-n-send version of the letter you can do:
Then do the following as well to make the most impact:
• Please print out email this letter to your staff contact at your US Representative and both of your US Senators offices. Fill in their name and mailing info, address it to them and their staff (i.e. Dear Representative Cohen and Staff), and fill in your info on page 2 under 'Thank You,'
• Then mail this letter to your US Representative and both of your US Senators immediately.
• You can also fax it to them using a fax machine or
• Since Congress is on break, you can print the letter and take it to their local office if you live nearby.
If you don't live in a wild horse state, I have addressed that in the very first paragraph of the letter. We still need you to take action.
I especially would like for Reps Dina Titus (NV), David Schweikert (AZ), Steve Cohen (TN), and Rep Juan Ciscomani (AZ) to see this letter - if they are your Rep please send it to them.
Click on Download File to download and either print or save the letter for faxing/emailing

muddy_creek_hma_letter_8_6_24_revised.pdf |