Save Our Wild Horses Postcard Campaign
Where to get the postcards
Wild horses need our voices! Please join the Save Our Wild Horses Postcard Campaign and let's flood Congress and the White House with postcards!
Send a postcard to your US Representative, both of your US Senators, and the White House - use their DC address to mail to, and if you have extra postcards, send one to their local state address too.
To find your US Rep and both Senators, click here and put in your address in the 'Find your member by address box:
The address to the White House:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please keep mailing your postcards throughout the year!
If you are an organization, please create your own postcard campaign for your followers and members to use. Let's get everyone to take action!
Messages can include (please do not include messages about horse slaughter or the SAFE Act - those should be different postcards that include wording for both domestic and wild equines):
• Freeze funding to the Bureau of Land Management until their failed Wild Horse & Burro Program can be investigated by Congress
• We request a moratorium on all wild horse and burro roundups until Congress can investigate the Bureau of Land Management
• We need heroes in Congress to stand up for America's wild horses and burros - keep them free on our public lands and stop letting the Bureau of Land Management remove them from their rightful homes
• Stop wild horse and burro roundups now! The Bureau of Land Management was tasked to protect our wild horses but they are failing at their job.
• Remove livestock from our public lands in the American west - leave wild horses and burros free on the range
Click here for a collection of Save Our Wild Horses postcards:
Send a postcard to your US Representative, both of your US Senators, and the White House - use their DC address to mail to, and if you have extra postcards, send one to their local state address too.
To find your US Rep and both Senators, click here and put in your address in the 'Find your member by address box:
The address to the White House:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please keep mailing your postcards throughout the year!
If you are an organization, please create your own postcard campaign for your followers and members to use. Let's get everyone to take action!
Messages can include (please do not include messages about horse slaughter or the SAFE Act - those should be different postcards that include wording for both domestic and wild equines):
• Freeze funding to the Bureau of Land Management until their failed Wild Horse & Burro Program can be investigated by Congress
• We request a moratorium on all wild horse and burro roundups until Congress can investigate the Bureau of Land Management
• We need heroes in Congress to stand up for America's wild horses and burros - keep them free on our public lands and stop letting the Bureau of Land Management remove them from their rightful homes
• Stop wild horse and burro roundups now! The Bureau of Land Management was tasked to protect our wild horses but they are failing at their job.
• Remove livestock from our public lands in the American west - leave wild horses and burros free on the range
Click here for a collection of Save Our Wild Horses postcards: