Contact information for your US Senators & Members of the House of Representatives
You have 2 U.S. Senators. To look up your Senators, go here:
Contact each Senator and your US Representative by phone, by fax, by using the Contact page on their website, and by mail. All of that information is available on their website, usually at the bottom of the home page.
Please take the time to make a quick phone call to each Senator and Representative and use the script below. Alternatively, you can reach the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The operator will ask which state you are calling from followed by which Senator or Member of the House you want to speak to.
Give them the name of the your 1st Senator, leave your message for him/her, then call back and ask the for the 2nd Senator. Then call a 3rd time to reach your Representative. When the operator transfers you each time, you will either get voice mail so you can leave a quick message, or you will reach a staff member who will take a message.
You have 1 U.S. Representative. To look up your member of the House of Representatives, go here:
You should be calling your Representative on bills that start with H.R. and both of your Senators on bills that start with S. You should also be calling them on issues related to wild horses and burros. You can make a call and simply say:
"Hello Senator (or Representative) _______, I am calling to ask for an immediate moratorium on all wild horse and burro roundups until Congress can investigate the Bureau of Land Management's wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars and mismanagement of the Wild Horse & Burro Program. I am asking you to ensure our wild horses & burros are given their rightful protections under the Wild & Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 in the form of Herd Management Area Plans, that the abusive & cruel roundups via helicopters that cause life threatening injuries and deaths to the horses will stop happening, and that our taxpayer dollars are not abused by the Bureau of Land Management. Save our wild horses, burros, wildlife, and public lands before it's too late. Thank you."
Contact each Senator and your US Representative by phone, by fax, by using the Contact page on their website, and by mail. All of that information is available on their website, usually at the bottom of the home page.
Please take the time to make a quick phone call to each Senator and Representative and use the script below. Alternatively, you can reach the US Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. The operator will ask which state you are calling from followed by which Senator or Member of the House you want to speak to.
Give them the name of the your 1st Senator, leave your message for him/her, then call back and ask the for the 2nd Senator. Then call a 3rd time to reach your Representative. When the operator transfers you each time, you will either get voice mail so you can leave a quick message, or you will reach a staff member who will take a message.
You have 1 U.S. Representative. To look up your member of the House of Representatives, go here:
You should be calling your Representative on bills that start with H.R. and both of your Senators on bills that start with S. You should also be calling them on issues related to wild horses and burros. You can make a call and simply say:
"Hello Senator (or Representative) _______, I am calling to ask for an immediate moratorium on all wild horse and burro roundups until Congress can investigate the Bureau of Land Management's wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars and mismanagement of the Wild Horse & Burro Program. I am asking you to ensure our wild horses & burros are given their rightful protections under the Wild & Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 in the form of Herd Management Area Plans, that the abusive & cruel roundups via helicopters that cause life threatening injuries and deaths to the horses will stop happening, and that our taxpayer dollars are not abused by the Bureau of Land Management. Save our wild horses, burros, wildlife, and public lands before it's too late. Thank you."